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Tract 5.


22 July 1589

| Index | Theses | Epilogue |

[title page]




That is,


Conclusions, sette downe and collected (as it
should seeme) by that famous and renowmed
Clarke, the reuerend Martin Marprelate the
great: seruing as a manifest and sufficient con-
sultation of al that euer the Colledge of Cater-
caps with their whole band of Clergie-priests,
haue, or canbring for the defence of their am-
bitious and Antichristian Prelacie.


as an after-birth of the noble Gentleman him-
selfe,  by a prety stripling of his,  
IVNIOR, and dedicated by him to his good
neame and nuncka, Maister
Iohn Kankerbury:
Hovv the yong man came by them, the Reader
shall vnderstande sufficiently in the Epilogue.
In the meane time, vvuhosoeuer can bring mee
acquainted vvith my father, Ile bee bounde hee
shall not loose his labour.


Printed by the assignes of
Martin Iunior, without any pri-
uiledge of the Cater-





Martin Iunior sonne vnto the re-
nowmed and worthy Martin Marprelate
the Great, to the Reader.

THou shalt receiue (good Reader) before I set
downe vnto thee anie thing of mine owne, cer-
teyne of those thinges of my fathers dooing
which I found among his vnperfect papers. I
haue not changed any thing in them, detracted
any thing from them, nor added vnto them aught
of mine owne, but as I found them, so I haue
deliuered them vnto thee. Mine owne meaning
thou shalt vnderstand at the latter ende in my
Epilogue, to my nunckle Canturburie. This small
thing that followeth before his Theses, is also his
owne. I haue set downe the speach as I founde it,
though vnperfect. One thing I am sory for, that

the speach pretendeth the old man to be
something discouraged in
his courses.




| Title page | Epilogue |


I See my doings and my course misliked of many both the good and the bad, though also I haue fauourers of both sortes. The Bishops, and their traine, though they stumble at the cause, yet especially, mislike my maner of writing. Those whom foolishly men call Puritanes, like of the matter I haue handled, but the forme they cannot brooke. So that herein I haue them both for mine aduersaries. But nowe what if I shoulde take the course

                                             in certeine Theses or conclusions, without inueighing against either person or cause? might I not then hope my doings woulde be altogether approoued of the one, and not so greatly scorned at by the other? Surely, otherwise they should doe me great iniurie, and shewe, that they are those who delight neither in heate nor colde, and so make me as weary in seeking howe to fitte them as the Bishops are in labouring how to find me. The Bishops I feare are past my cure, and it may be I was vnwise, in taking that charge vpon me: if that which I haue already done can do them any good, or any wise further the cause which I loue, I shall be glad, if not, what hope is there of amending them this way? The best is I know how to mend my selfe. For good leaue haue I to giue ouer my desparate cure, and with this my farewell vnto them, I wish them a better Surgeon. Yet ere I leaue them, I do heere offer vnto the view of the world, some part of their monstrous corruptions; in defence whereof, for their liues dare not they in any learned meeting or assembly dispute with with me, or attempt to ouerthrowe mine assertions by modest writings handled any thing [4] scholer-like, that is, by good and sounde syllogismes, which haue both their Maior and Minor, confirmed by the worde. I woulde once see them enter into either of these courses, for as yet they haue beene farre from both. Fire, and fagot, bands, and blowes, railing, and reuiling, are, and haue bene hitherto their common weapons, as for slandering & lying, it is the greatest piece of their holy profession. And these with their bare assertiõs, & their wretched cleuing to popish absurdities, are in a maner the onely proofes and tried maximes they offer vnto the Church in this age. And so if a man woulde be confuted, I must needes say, my Lord of Winchester hath long agoe sufficiently and dexterely performed it. I am not of opinion, (saith he) that, vna semper debet esse œconomia Ecclesie, That the gouernment of the Church shoulde alwayes, and in all places, bee one and the same, especially by a company of Elders. Lo sir, what say you to this? here is inough, I trowe, for any mans satisfaction, that bishop Couper is not of opinion. Yea but our Sauior Christ his Apostles & holy Martirs are of opinion, that the gouernment of the church should alwayes, and in all places, be one, especially by a company of Elders. As for my Lord of Winchesters opinion, wee haue little or nothing to doe with that: nor no great matter which side it leane to, whether with or against the trueth. For if his bishopricke and vnruly iurisdiction were no more noysome and hurtfull to the Church of God, then his learning and opinion is hurtfull to the cause of Discipline, he might sitte long enough vndistempered in his chaire for vs: the good olde manne might cough his fill, and be quiet, hauing his [5] faithfull promise and booke-oth (as we haue also Iohn a Bridges and Bancrofts) that by arguments hee will neuer hurt vs. For they must thinke, that it is not such drie blowes as this, I am not of opinion &c. that will satisfie the learned, and answeare the demonstrations that are brought on the contrarie side. If then they haue indeede any purpose at all, to quiet the contentions of our Church, let them bring vnto vs, not these bables of their owne, VVe are not of opinion, &c. but some sound warrant from the word, that Christ and his Apostles vvere not of opinion with vs in the pointes wherein wee truelie charge them to haue erred, otherwise their 812. their 1401.



That is,

The vnanswerable Conclusions of MARTIN, wherein are plainely set downe many straunge and vnknowen things (if hereafter they may be prooued)against the Bishops.


Compiled by Martin the Great: found and published by Martin Iunior, for the benefite of posteritie, if his fathers should be slaine.


    1  That al the officers of a true & lawful church gouernement in regarde of their offices, are members of the visible bodie of Christ, which is the Church. Rom.12.4,5. &c. I. Cor.12.8,28.

    2  That none but Christ alone is to ordeine the members of his bodie, to wit, of the Church: [6] Because

    3  That the Lorde in his worde hath left the church perfect in all her members, which he shold not haue done, if he had not ordeined all the officers, namely, the members thereof, and so hee should leaue the building of his church vnperfect, and so it must continue, for who wil presume to finish that which hee hath left vndone in the building of his Church.

    4  That to ordeine a perfect and an vnchangeable gouernement of the Church, is a part of Christes prerogatiue royall, and therfore cannot, without the great derogation of the Sonne of God, bee claimed by any Church or man.

    5  That if Christ did not ordeine a Church-gouernement, which at the pleasure of man can not be changed, then hee is inferiour vnto Moses, for the gouernment placed by him might no man to alter, and thereto might no man adde any thing. Heb.3.2,3.

    6  That the Lorde in the Newe Testament did appoint as perfite and vnchangeable a forme of Church-gouernement in the offices and officers thereof, as Moses did in the olde.

    7  That the Lorde neuer placed any offices in the Newe Testament, but the offices of Apostles, Prophets, Euangelistes, Pastors, Doctours, Elders, and Deacons.

    8  That vnto the end of the worlde there were no other offices to bee placed in the Church, but onely these.

    9  That none of these were, and so no offices of a lawful Church-gouernement are to be remoued out of the Church, by any but by the Lorde Christ [7] himselfe, who placed them, because they are the members of his body, in the placing or displacing whereof, man hath no skill, nor yet commission to deale.

    10  That the Lord for the causes seeming good to his owne wisedome (whereof any further then hee hath set downe in his worde man is not to enquire) hath remoued out of the church the offices of Apostles, Prophets, and Euangelists.

    11  That the want of these can bee no maime vnto the church, seeing the Lorde by remoouing them thence, sheweth, that the body can haue no vse of them.

    12  That the church is nowe vnto the worldes end, to haue none other offices in it, but of pastors, doctors, elders, and deacons.

    13  That the displacing, or the want of these, is a maime vnto the church: And therefore.

    14  That the churches of God in Denmarke, Saxony, Tygurium, &c. wanting this gouernment by these offices, are to be accompted maimed and vnperfect.

    15  That it is as good reason, yea, and a farre better, to say, that learned men, and valiant captaines, must haue their eyes put out, because Homer and Zisca were blinde, as to auouch that the church of England may not bee gouerned by Pastors, Doctors, Elders, and deacons, because other good churches want this regiment.

    16  That to place others in the steade of these, is both a maiming and a deforming of the church.

    17  That no magistrate may lawfully maime or deforme the body of Christ, which is the Church: And therefore. [8]

    18  That no lawefull Church-gouernement is changeable at the pleasure of the magistrate.

    19  That the platforme of gouernement by Pastors, Doctors, Elders, and Deacons, was not deuised by man, but by our Sauiour Christ himselfe, the onely head, and alone vniuersall Bishop of his church, as it is set downe Rom.12.4,5. Ephes.4.12. and I.Cor.12.8,28. God hath ordained, saith the Apostle.

    20  That no inconuenience can possibly come vnto anie state, by receiuing this gouernement.

    21  That the true stabilitie of al christian states and common-wealths consisteth in the sound execution of this church-gouernement, by Pastors, Doctors, Elders, and Deacons.

    22  That of necessitie all christian Magistrates are bound to receiue this gouernment by Pastors, Doctors, Elders, and Deacons, and to abolish al other church-gouernements.

    23  That a church-gouernement, being the ordinaunce of the magistrate, or of the church, is an vnlawfull church-gouernement.

    24  That it is meerly and vtterly vnlawfull for anie man, church, or state, to ordeine anie church-gouernement, or anie church officer, saue that gouernement, and those officers before named: Because.

    25  That a church-gouernement consisting of any other officers, but Pastors, Doctors, Elders, & Deacons, is a gouernment of maimed and mishapen members: Therefore

    26  That our church-gouernement in England by lord archbishops, and bishops, is a gouernment of maimed, vnnaturall, and deformed members, [9] seruing for no vse in the church of God: Therefore also

    27  That no lord bishop is to be maintained in anie christian common wealth.

    28  That those kingdomes and states, who defend any church-gouernement, saue this of Pastors, Doctors, Elders, and Deacons, are in danger of vtter destruction, in as much as they defend the maime and deformitie of the church: And therefore

    29  That our lord archbishops and bishops, in defending this their vngodly gouernment, are, not onelie traitours to God and his church, but vtter enemies vnto her Maiestie, and the State, in as much as they enforce the Lo d by these their sins, to drawe the sworde against vs to our vtter ruine.

    30  That our lord archbishops & bishops holde it lawfull for our magistrates to maime or deforme the church.

    31  That they holde Iesus Christ to haue left behinde him, an vnperfite and a maimed church, wanting some of her members.

    32  That they holde it lawful for the magistrate to abolish the true and naturall members of the body, and to attempt the making of newe by his owne inuention.

    33  That they, to wit, archbishops and bishops, are the maime of our church, and like to bee the destruction of our common-wealth.

    34  That the warrant that the archbishops and bishops haue for their places, can be no better then the warrant which the maintenaunce of the open and most monstrous whoredome in the Stewes had in times past amongest vs. For by the worde [10] they are condemned to be the maime or deformitie of the church, or both. And as for the laws that maintaine them, being the wound and sore of the church, they are no more to be accounted of, then the lawes mainteining the Stewes.

    35  That the places of lord bishops are neither warranted by the word of God, nor by anie lawfull humane constitutions.

    36  That the gouernement of the church of England, by lord archbishops and bishops, is not a church-gouernement set downe in the worde, or which can be defended to be Gods ordinance.

    37  That the gouernement of lord archbishops and bishops is vnlawefull, notwithstanding it bee mainteined, and in force by humane lawes and ordinances.

    38  That the humane lawes mainteining them, are wicked, and vngodly, and to be abrogated of al christian magistrates.

    39  That to be a lord bishop then is simplie vnlawefull in it selfe, that is, in respect of the office, though the man susteining the same should not abuse it as our prelates do.

    40  To be a lord bishop in it selfe simplie, besides the abuse, consisteth of two monstrous parts, whereof, neither ought to be in him that professeth himselfe a minister.

    41  The first is, to beare an inequall and a lordlie superioritie ouer his brethren in the ministery, and the rest of the church of God vnder his iurisdiction.

    42  The second is, the ioyning of the ciuill Magistracie vnto the Ministerie.

    That both these parts are condemned by the [11] written worde of God. Luke 22.25. 1.Pet.5.1,2. Matt.20.25. Marke 10.42. 1.Cor.8.10. Luke 12.14. 2.Tim.2.4. and Iohn 18.36. compared with, Matth.10.25. Luke 16.13.

    43  That the hierarchie of bishops, in their superioritie ouer their brethren, and their ciuill offices hath beene gainesaide and withstoode by the visible church of God successiuelie, and without intermission for these almost 500. yeeres last past.

    44  That this cause of ouerthrowing the state of lorde bishops, and bringing in the equalitie of Ministers, is no new cause, but that which hath bin manie yeeres agoe helde and maintained, euen in the fire, by the holie [mar]tires of Christ Iesus.

    45  That this wicked gouernement of bishops was an especiall point, gainesaid by the seruants of God, in the time of King Henrie the eight, and Q Marie; and in the withstanding whereof they died, the holie martires of Christ Iesus.

    46  That none euer defended this hierarchie of bishops to be lawfull, but Papists, or such as were infected with popish errors.

    47  That we haue not expelled and banished euerie part of poperie, as long as we maintaine L. bishops and their seates.

    48  That the offices of lord archbishops and bishops, together with other their corruptions, are condemned by the doctrine of the church of England.

    49  That the doctrine of the church of England condemning the places of lord bishops, is approoued by the statutes of this kingdome, and her Maiesties royall prerogatiue.

    50  That to be a lord bishop, is directlie against [12] the statute 13. Elizab. rightlie vnderstoode, and flatlie condemned by her Maiesties royall priuiledge.

    51  That al her Maiesties louing subiects, Ministers especiallie, are bound by statute (and haue the alowance of the doctrine of the church of England published with her Maiesties prerogatiue) not to acknowledge, yea, to disauow, and withstand the places and callings of lord bishops.

    52  That the doctrine of the church of England in the dayes of Henrie the eight was the doctrine which the blessed martires of Christ Iesus M.Tindall M.D.Barnes, and M.Fryth taught them and deliuered vnto vs.

    53  That this doctrine of theirs is now to be accoúted the doctrine of the church of Englande, in as much as (being the doctrine of Christ & his Apostles) it is published in print by Master Fox, and that by her Maiesties priuiledge.

    54  That this their doctrine is mainteined by statute, vnder the name of the doctrine of the faith and sacraments.

    55  That the doctrine which according to the word is published by Maister Fox in the booke of Martyres, seeing it is, cum priuilegio, is also to bee accompted the doctrine of faith and sacramentes in the church of England, and so is approoued by statute.

    56  That vpon these former groundes wee may safely holde these conclusions following, and are thereby allowed by statute, and her Maiesties prerogatiue.

    57  That by the doctrine of the church of England, it is not possible, that naturally there can be [13] anie good lord bishop, Master Tindalls practise for prelates. pag.374.

    58  That by the doctrine of the church of England, a bishoprike is a superfluous honour, and a lewd libertie, ibid.

    59  That by the doctrine of the church of England, our bishops are none of the Lordes annoynting, but seruants of the beast.

    60  That by the doctrine of the church of England, our lord bishops are none of Christs bishops, but the Ministers of Antichrist.

    61  That by the doctrine of the church of Englande, our bishops and their gouernement are no part of Christs kingdome, but are of the kingdome of this world.

    62  That by the doctrine of the church of England, lord bishops are a part of that body wherof Antichrist is the head.

    63  That by the doctrine of the church of England, the places of archbishops and bishops are the seates of Antichrist.

    64  That by the doctrine of the church of England, a bishop can haue no other lawfull authoritie, but onelie to preach the word.

    65  That by the doctrine of the church of England, the desire of a bishopricke, or anie other honor in a minister, is a note of a false Prophet.

    66  That according to the doctrine of the churche of Englande, all our bishops and their chapleines are false prophets.

    67  That the doctrine of the church of England concerning the ciuill offices of our Prelates, is, That all ciuil rule and dominion is by the word of God flatlie forbidden vnto the Cleargie.

[14]    68  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, the ministerie and the magistracie cannot by the ordinance of God bee both in one person.

    69  That by the doctrine of the church of England, the ioyning together of the ministerie in one person, doeth put euerie kingdome out of order.

    70  That for a lord bishoppe to bee of the priuie counsell in a kingdome, according to the doctrine of the church of England, is as profitable vnto the Realme, as the woolfe is to the lambes.

    71  That the bishoppes ought to haue no prisons wherein to punish transgressors.

Mark this (good reader):

    72  That according to the church of Englande, all Ministers be of equall authoritie.

    73  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, those Doctors (who are dayly alleadged by our bishops in the defence of their superioritie ouer their brethren) to wit, Cyprian, Ierom, Augustine, Chrysostome knewe of no authoritie that one bishop should haue aboue another, neither thought, or once dreamed, that euer anie such thing should be.

    74  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, a bishoppe and an elder, or a minister, note out in the word of God the one and the selfe same person and church officer, the contrary whereof is popery.

    75  That by the doctrine of the church of England, it is popery to translate the worde Presbyteros into Priest, and so to call the ministers of the Gospell Priests.

    76  That according to the doctrine of the churche of Englande, D.Bancroft in his Sermon at [15] Paules the 28. of Ianuary 1588. mainteined a popish errour, in auouching, that in the dayes of Cyprian there was a difference betwene a bishop and a priest or minister.

    77  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, Iohn Cant. is a mainteiner of a popish errour, in terming the ministers of the Gospel by the name of priests.

    78  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, our prelates haue no authoritie to make ministers, or to proceede to anie ecclesiasticall censure.

    79  That by the doctrine of the church of Englande, to haue a bishops licence to preach, is the very marke of the beast Antichrist.

    80  That by the doctrine of the church of England, the godly ministers ought to ordeine those that would enter into that function, without anie leaue of the Prelats, & not so much as once to suffer them to take anie approbation of the Prelats.

    81  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, there ought to be no other maner of ecclesiasticall censure, but that which is noted, Matth.18.15,17. which is, to proceede from a priuat admonition to one or two witnesses, & thence to the church, that is, not to one, but vnto the gouernours of the church, together with the whole congregation.

    82  That according to the doctrine of our churche, the citations, processes, excommunications, &c. of the Prelates, are neyther to be obeyed nor regarded.

    83  That according vnto the doctrine of the church of England, men ought not to appeare in [16] their courtes, seeing their proceedings are so directly against the trueth, as now they are manifested to be, seeing the doctrine of the church warranteth them no such calling.

    84  That according to the doctrine of the churche of England, that a man being excommunicated by them, ought not to seeke any absolution at their hands.

    85  That according vnto the doctrine of the church of Englande, euery minister is bounde to preach the Gospell, not-withstanding the inhibition of the bishops.

    86  That according vnto the doctrine of the church of England, a man being once made a minister, is not to be kept backe from preaching, by the inhibitiou of any creature.

    87  That according vnto the doctrine of our church, our prelates notably profane the censure of the church, by sending them out against those, who are not offendours against God, for money matters, and other trifles, &c.

    88  That according vnto the doctrine of the church of England, it is great tyrannie in them, to summon and cite poore men, as they doe, to come before them, for hearing the word, or speaking against their hierarchie.

    89  That it is tyrannie by the doctrine of the church of England, and the badge of Antichrists disciples, for our prelates to breake vp into mens consciences, to compell them by othes, to testifie against themselues.

    90  That by the doctrine of the church of England, our prelates learned this abomination of Pilate Matth.26.93.

[17]    91  That according vnto the doctrine of the church of England, none ought to be in the ministerie, but such as are able to preach.

    92  That according vnto the doctrine of the church of England, Nonresidents, and pluralities of benefices, are most intollerable in the sight of God and man.

    93  That all true subiects haue better warrant to denie the superioritie of bishoppes, then the bishops haue to impose themselues vpó the church.

    94  That her Maiesties true subiects in oppugning the state of L. bishops haue the warrant of the word of God, the warrant of our laws and statutes, the doctrine of the church of England, the consent of the church of God for the space of aboue 400. yeeres, and her Maiesties priuiledge.

    95  That the bishops haue nothing for their defence, but the corruption receiued into our church contrary vnto the word, cótrary vnto our statutes, contrary vnto her Maiesties priuiledge, contrarie vnto the doctrine of our church.

    96  That our bishoppes in this controuersie for their hierarchie, haue not me, poore man, for their onelie aduersarie, but our sauiour Christ, his Apostles, and holy Martires, our lawes and statutes, her Maiesties priuiledges, and the doctrine of our church hath long agoe condemned them for traitors vnto God, vnto his word, his church, and vnto our lawes and priuiledges.

    97  That Maister Thomas Cartwright, together with all those learned men, and my selfe also that haue written against the state of the Clargy, could do no lesse then we haue done, except wee woulde betray the trueth of God, the lawes of this lande, [18] and the doctrine of our church.

    98  That our magistrates in mainteining both the doctrine of our church, and also the hierarchie of our bishops, mainteine twoo contrarie factions vnder their gouernement, which their wisedomes knowe to be dangerous.

    99  That this faction is likely to continue vntill eyther of the parties giue ouer.

    100  That those who defend the doctrine of our church in oppugning of our bishops, neyther can nor wil giue ouer the cause, in as much as it is confirmed by the word professed in our church allowed by our statutes, and mainteined by her Maiesties priuiledge.

    101  That the bishops will not giue ouer, in any likelihoode to die for it, as long as the state will mainteine them.

    102  That the continuance of these contrarie factions, is likely in a while to become very daungerous vnto our state, as their wisedomes, who are magistrates doe well know and perceiue.

    103  That their wisedomes then are bounde, euen for the quieting of our outward state, to putte downe eyther the doctrine of our Church, or the corruption, viz. our bishoppes, and their proceedings.

    104  That they cannot, without the endaungering of themselues, vnder the wrath of God, and the odious and most monstrous sinne of ineuitable Apostacie from the trueth, put downe, and abolish the doctrine of our church.

    105  That they can not any longer mainteine the corruptions of our church, namely, archbishops and bishops, without the shamefull [19] contradiction of our doctrine, and the discontentednes of their subiects.

    106  That all Ministers are bound by subscription, by vertue of the statute that requireth their subscription vnto the doctrine of faith and sacraments in the church of Englande, to disauowe the hierarchie of bishops.

    107  That it were well, that all these ministers who are vrged to subscribe would require a resolution in this poynt, before they yeelde their subscription.

    108  That Doctor Bancroft in affirming her Maiestie to be a pettie pope in his Sermon preached at Paules the ninth of Februarie 1588. preached treason against her Maiesties royall crowne and dignitie. (Pag. 68 lin. 19)

    109  That the sayde Bancroft is a traytor, in affirming, her Maiestie to vsurpe that authoritie within her dominions, in causes ecclesiasticall which the pope vsurped in times past.

    110  That our bishoppes in suffering the sayde Sermon to be published in print, conteining the former points of treason, are accessary vnto Bancrofts treason.

    That our prelates. Heere the father lefte his writings vnperfite, and thus perfitely beginnes the sonne.




| Theses | End |


Martin Iuniors Epilogue.


To the worshipfull his very good
neame, Maister Iohn Can-


AFter my harty commendations vnto your VVorshippe,
(good nunckle Canturbury) trusting, that you, vvith the
rest of the Catercaps are as neere your ouerthrovve, as
I your poor nephevv am from vvishing the prosperitie of
your Antichristian callings. The cause of my vvriting vn-
to you at this instant, is, to let you vnderstand, first, that
I vvas somevvhat merry at the making heereof, being in-
deed sory, together vvith others of my brethren, that vvee
cannot heare from our good father, Maister Martin Mar-
prelate, that good & learned discoursing brother of
yours, but especially grieued, that vve see not the vtter
subuersion of that vnhappy and pestilent gouernement of
L.Bishops, at the helme vvereof ye sitte like a Pilate, or a
Caiphas rather. Moreouer, I do you to vveete, that you
shal receiue by this bearer, certaine vnperfect vvritings

of my fathers, praying your prelacie, if you can send

mee, or any of my brethren any vvord of him,

that you vvould returne vs an

ansvvere vvith





MAny flim flam tales goe abroad of him, but of certaintie nothing can be heard, in as much as he keepeth him selfe secrete from all his sonnes. Some thinke, that hee is euen nowe employed in your businesse; and I thinke so too, my reason is, quoth Robert Some, because it was for your sakes and good, that hee first fell a studying the Arte of Pistle making: Others giue out, that in the service of his countrey, and her Maiesties, he died, or was in gret dáger at the Groine. And those others (ka mine vncka Bridges) haue seene motiues inducing them to be of this minde: Some there are also, who feare that you haue him in your handes. Howsoeuer it be somewhat is not well, that hee is silent all this while. We his sonnes must needes be disquieted, seeing wee can neither knowe where our father is, nor yet heare from him. If we could but heere by some Pistle, though it were but of 20. sheeetes of paper, that he is well, we would not then be so inquisitiue of him. But now that he hath bin so long time tongue-tied these foure or fiue moneths, wee must needes enquire of the matter. Speake then, good nuncles, haue you closly murthered the gentleman in some of your prisons? haue you strangled him? haue you giuen him an Italian figge? or, what have you done vnto him? haue you choaked him with a fat prebend or two? What? I trowe my father wil swallow downe no such pilles. And he doe, I can tell he will soone purge away al the conscience hee hath, and prooue a mad hinde ere he die. But tell me, I pray you, what you meane to doe vnto him if you haue him in holde? Do you meane to haue the keeping of him, least he should not be otherwise well looked vnto? whie what need [22] [th]at? I am sure he hath 500. sonnes in the lande, of good credit and abilitie, with whome hee might haue other gates welcome, then with any Catercap o them all. And I pray you, nunckles, neuer trouble your selues with the keeping of him, I trust he shal do well, though he neuer come neere any of you all. And I thinke in reason it were more meete his sonnes, then his brethren shoulde bee charged with him; if it so came to passe, that hee were forced to leane vnto others. This I knowe full well, that my father woulde bee sory from his heart, to put you to any such cost, as you intend to bee at with him. A meaner house, and of lesse strength then the Tower, the Fleete, Newgate, or the Gate-house is, woulde serue him well enough: he is not of that ambitious vaine, that many of his brethren the bishops are, in seeking for more costly houses then euer his father built for him. And therefore, good sweete neames nowe, if you haue him, let him bee dispatched out of your hands, with honesty and credit. My father is of a kingly nature I perceiue by him, hee woulde doe good vnto you, but he would not be recompenced for it againe. He will none of your courtesies, vnlesse it be for your owne sakes, that you will giue ouer your bishopdomes, that is the greatest benefite he accounts of from you, other recompence he seekes none.

     If you demaund of mee, where I founde this, the trueth is, it was taken vp (together with certaine other papers) besides a bush, where it had dropped from some body passing by that way. I hope my fathers worship will not bee offended with me, for publishing of it, being not so perfit as [23] questionlesse he would haue had it. Hee, and you, can not but commend my good dealing, in setting it out; for I chose rather to leaue the sentences vnperfite then to adde any thing more then I found legible. The Arithmeticall nombers in the end of his preamble shew, that when he had written so farre, he had something more in his head then all men doe conceiue, which made him leaue in the middest of a period. I my selfe doe perceiue some tantologies in the cóclusions as being the first draught, but I would not presume to mend them, that I referre to himselfe, if he be yet liuing, if dead, yet posterities may haue his after-birth to be altogether his owne. And let them take this as his cygneam cantionem, viz. his farewell to booke-making. But that would I be sorie of. For who can bee able to prooue the poynts which he hath set downe here, concerning the doctrine of our church, mainteined by statut, & her Maiesties priuiledge, so soundly, and so worthily, as he himselfe would performe it. A thirtie or fortie of the first Conclusions are alreadie shewed in, Hai any work for the Cooper, and therefore they neede no further proofe then the reading ouer that woorthie Treatise, whence they seeme to haue beene collected. The rest I hope shall be shewed in More worke for the Cooper.

     And vather, if you can proue these thinges out of the doctrine of our church, then certainelie you deserue to be chronicled for euer. Then Iohn Canturbury, come downe with thy poperie, ka M.Martin Iunior: for now art thou let out in thy colors, to be an aduersary, not onely of Christ and his Apostles, which all men might know, but euen [24] also an vtter enemie vnto the doctrine of the church of England sowed heere by the holy Martires, and sealed with their blood, yea, allowed by statute, and published with her Maiesties royall priuiledge, which is a point which the most haue not considered of. And who is hee now that dares perswade Martin to giue ouer his course, vnlesse the same also will shewe himselfe an enemie to the doctrine of the church of England. For Martin in his writings, is not so much an ennemie vnto the bishoppes, as a defender of the doctrine of our Churche. And therefore you Puritanes, that mislike of him, take heede that you bee not founde amongest posterities, to bee the betrayers of this doctrine (for your ease and quietnesse sake) which you are bound to deliuer vnto your children, without corruption or mangling, though it cost you your liues a thousande times. For to tell you the trueth, if you do but read ouer the writings of M.Tindall, M.Frith, M.Barnes, M.Hooper, M.Knox, M.Lambert, &c. which were the first planters of the Gospell amongest vs, you shall find your selues in faithfulnes, courage and zeale, yea, euen the best of you farre behind them; which I speake not but to your great shame, with a desire of your amendment. And therefore I tell you true, I thinke it a great blessing of God that hath raised vppe this Martin, whome you can hardelie brooke, to holde tackling with the bishops, that you may haue some time of breathing, or rather a time to gather courage and zeale, ioyned with knowledge, to set vpon these enemies of the doctrine of our church, euen the doctrine of God, I meane maintained in our church. For that as [25] hitherto ye haue done, you be so loth (for the disturbing of our state forsooth, and the offending of hir Maiestie) not onely to speake against, but euen vtterlie to reiect this hierarchie of our bishops, euen to haue no more to doe with it, then with the seate of the beast, you shall declare vnto our children, that God raised vppe but a companie of whiteliuered souldiours, to teach the Gospell in sinceritie vnder her Maiestie, and take heede lest our forenamed fathers rise vppe in iudgement against you. As for her Maiestie, or the state, I think shee hath little cause to thanke you for your wisedome, in seeking the quietnesse of this common-wealth, by winking at the sinne of the pompous ministerie. And me thinkes you are bounde vnto her, and her people, to make so much at the least knowen, as shee mainteineth publikelie in bookes, by her statutes and priuiledges, to be the doctrine of this our church vnder her gouernement. Therefore, looke vnto these thinges, for certainelie, if euer the Lorde shall make the proceedings of our wicked bishoppes knowen vnto her Maiestie, to bee so contrarie to worde of God, the profession of holie Martyres, and the doctrine of our church mainteined, both by our statutes, and priuiledges, as in these Theses they are sette downe, assure your selfe, that she will then enquire, whether she had not any faithfull preachers in her kingdome, that would stand to the defence of the trueth, vntill shee sawe further into it.

     As for the bishops, they may herein see, to their woe, what wicked caytiffes they are, in maintaining themselues & their thrice curssed popedome, [26] against such cleare light. But the beastes, I feare, were borne to no other end, then to be the Lords scourge, to chastice his church, and then to bee burnt in hell. And out vppon them, they are as vnlike Christ, his Apostles, and holy Martyres, which were the planters of our Churche, as the wretches are like vnto themselues. A man would haue thought, if they had not beene desparate in their wickednesse, that by the warning which Martin gaue them, they woulde haue beene restrained from their villanie in some sort. But, as though their very reason had bene cleane gone, the more they are threatned to haue their proceedings displayed, the more wicked doe they manifest themselues. As if they woulde declare vnto the worlde, that they will not bee made knowen vnto posteritie, but vppon the condition, that they may bee the most wicked, that euer were in the church of God. They will be so many Iudases, so many Diotrepheses, so many Simon Maguses, as nowe they are wicked bishoppes of Englande, or else they thinke not themselues well dealte with. Wherefore, reuerend father, if you bee as yet on your feete, and haue escaped out of the danger of gunne shotte, beginne againe to play the man. Feare none of these beastes, these pursuvants, these Mar-Martins, these stage players, these prelates, these popes, these diuels, and al they can do. Quit your selfe but as like a man as you haue doone in Hai any worke, and I doubt not but you will make these rogish priests lie in the kenell. The reporte abroad goeth, that you are drawen drie, and can say no more. They are fooles that so thinke, I say, [27] Let these Conclusions bee iudge, whereby I tell you true, I hope you shall be able to emptie euerie bishopricke in Englande, if waight of trueth can doe it. There bee that affirme, the rimers and stage-players, to haue cleane putte you out of countenaunce, that you dare not againe shew your face. Alas poore haglers, their fathers are too yoong to outface the least of your sonnes. And I doe thinke, that, lay aside their tyrannie, all the bishops of Englande are too weake to deale with a scarre-crowe, that hath but the name of reuerend Martin written vppon it. And therefore, I perswade my selfe, that they their selues are thorowlie so perswaded, ka my nuncka Bridges, that you contemne such kenell rakers, and scullions, as to their shame, in the time of your silence haue solde them selues for pence a peece, to be derided of come who so will, to see a companie of disguised asses.

     Concerning Mar-martin, if he be a Londoner, or an vniuersitie man, tenne to one but you shall see him, one of these odde dayes, carted out of the towne for his honestie of life. Why that time of his sheweth, that hee had no other bringing vppe, then in a brothel-house. And heerein I woulde craue pardon of the vniuersities, and the famous citie of London, if they shoulde bee thought to giue out, that such a ribaulder as this is, were there maintained. To speake what I doe thinke of the youth, I can not bee induced to thinke, that hee hath had his bringing vp at any other trade, then in carryeng long Meg of Westminsters hand-basket, and in attending vppon some other of his auntes, at her appointment while shee liued. [28] After her death, it may be he hath beene promoted vnto the seruice of some laundresse in a bishoppes house, where, in hope to bee preferred by his good lordes, he hath vndertaken to mar-rimes, in publishing bawdery, and filthinesse, for the defence of these honest bishops.

     The stage players, poore seelie hunger-starued wretches, they haue not so much as an honest calling to liue in the common-wealth: And they, poore varlets, are so base minded, as at the pleasure of the veryest rogue in England, for one poore pennie, they will be glad on open stage to play the ignominious fooles, for an houre or two together. And therefore, poore rogues, they are not so much to be blamed, if being stage-players, that is, plaine rogues. (save onely for their liueries) they in the action of dealing against Maister Martin, haue gotten them many thousande eie witnesses, of their wittelesse and pittifull conceites. And in deede they are maruelous fitte vpholders of Lambehith palace, and the crowne of Canturburie. And therefore, menne shoulde not thinke of all other things, that they should any wayes make Maister Martin, or his sonnes to alter their course. And heereof, good Maister Canturburie, assure your selfe. Well, to growe to a point with you, if you haue any of your side, eyther in the Vniuersities, or in your cathedrall Churches, or any where within the compasse of all the bishopdomes you haue, that dare write, or dispute against anie of these pointes sette downe by my father, heere I do by these my writinges, cast you downe the Gloue, in my fathers name, and the names of the rest [29] of his sonnes. If my father be gone, and none else of my brethren will vpholde the controuersie against you, I my selfe will doe it. And take my challenge if you dare. By writing you may do it, and be sure to be answered. By disputations, if you will appoint the place, with promise, that you will not deale vi & armis, you shall be taken also by me, if I thinke I may trust you. Otherwise, the Puritanes will, I doubt not, maintaine the chalenge against you.

     But heere by the way, Iohn Canturbury, take an odde aduice of your poore nephew, and that is this. First, in regard of your selfe, play not the tyrant as you doe, in Gods Church; if you goe on forward in this course, the ende will bee a wofull reckoning. Thou hast beene raised vp out of the dust, and euen from the very dounghill, to bee president of her Maiesties counsell, being of thy selfe, a man altogether vnmeet for any such preheminence, as neyther endued with any excellent naturall witte, nor yet with any great portion of learning. The Lorde hath passed by many thousands in this land farre meeter for the place then is poore Iohn Whitgift. Well then, what if thou, hauing receiued so great blessings at the Lordes hand (beeing of all others in no comparison anye thing neere the fittest for it, or the likeliest to obtaine it) shalt now shew thy selfe vngratefull vnto thy mercifull Lorde God, or become a cruell persecutour, and a tyrant in his church, a cruell oppressour of his children, shall not all that thou hast receiued, be tourned vnto a cursse vnto thee, euen into thine owne bosome? Yea verely. For [30] the Lorde in one day is able to bring more shame vpon thee, and that in this life, then he hath heaped blessings vpon thee now for the space of thirtie yeeres and vpward. But when I doe consider thy preheminence and promotion, I do sensiblie acknowledge it to be ioyned with a rare cursse of God, euen such a cursse as very fewe (I will not say none) in Gods Church doe sustaine. And that is thy wicked and Antichristian Prelacie. The consideration of which popedome of thine maketh me thinke, that thy other place in the ciuill magistracie, being in it selfe a godly and a lawfull calling, is so become infectious, that it will be thy bane, both in this life, and in the life to come. And I am almost fully perswaded, that, that archbishopricke of thine, together with thy practises therein, shew verely, that the Lorde hath no part nor portion in that miserabble, and desperat caytiffe wicked Iohn Whitgift, the Pope of Lambehith. Leaue therefore both thy popedome, and thy vngodly proceedings, or looke for a fearefull ende.

     My second and last aduise is this in a word. Suffer no more of these haggling and profane pamphlets to be published against Martin, and in defence of thy hierarchie. Otherwise thou shalt but commend thy follie and ignorance vnto the world to be notorious. Mar-Martin, Leonard Wright, Fregneuile, Dick Bancroft, Tom Blan. o Bedford, Kemp, Vnderhil, serue thee for no other vse, but to worke thy ruine, and to bewray their owne shame, & miserable ignorance. Thus far of these matters.

     And mee thinkes you see, nunckle Canturburie, that though I bee but young, yet I beginne [31] prettily well to followe my fathers steppes; for I promise you, I am deceiued, vnlesse I haue a prety smattering gift in this Pistle-making, and I feare in a while I shall take pride in it. I pray you, if you can, now I haue shewed you my minde, that you woulde be a meanes, that my vather, or my brethren be not offended with me for my presuming this of mine owne head. I did all of a good meaning, to saue my fathers papers: and it would haue pitied your heart to see, how the poore papers were raine and  weather-beaten,  euen truely in such a sort, as they  coulde scant bee read to bee printed.  There was neuer a drie threede in them.  These sea-iourneys are pittifull I perceiue.  One thing me thinkes my father should like in me, and that is,

my modestie, for I haue not presumed, to publishe mine in as large a print or volume

as my father doth his. Nay I thinke it well, if I can drible out a Pistle on

octauo nowe and then. Farewell, good nunckle, and pay

this bearer for the cariage. Iuly 22. 1589.

With as great speede as

I might.



Your worships nephew




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